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Cosmic Darkstarfire Sim Covenant

The Covenant is Split into Rules According to Area! 
Please Read Carefully!!!

Comsic DarkStarFire SIM 

1. Entering the Cosmic DarkStarFire sim is your acceptance of all rules. Any violation may end by your ejection and, if warranted, banning.

2. You have the right to appeal your ban by sending a notecard to ЯФguє Ɗaякζтaя™ (JessikaDarkstar). You will receive word whether your ban will be lifted or if it remains. 

3. Harassment, disrespectful behavior toward staff or guests is forbidden and will result in ejection and possible banning from the Cosmic DarkStarFire sim.

4. No inappropriate avatars representing hateful or racist or inappropriately sexual in appearance ( meaning child avs have to be dressed appropriately!)

5. Any requests for un-welcomed/unwarranted sexual favors will end up in ejection and immediate banning, this includes staff and guests. 

6. No Griefing, disruptive behavior and no racial and/or hate-charged language or paraphernalia permitted. These will result in immediate ejection and banning.

7. No gesture-spamming or flooding of local chat.

8. Loud, long and/or repetitive gestures that interfere with Roleplaying and other people's enjoyment is strictly forbidden.

**Anyone found to be in breach of the rules stated will be ejected and possibly banned from the Cosmic DarkStarFire sim**

DaRkStArFiRe HaNgOuT

1. No Excessive spankings with spankers

2. No Excessive Scripts! Huds are permitted.  <<< FIGHTING HUDS, ATTACKING ITEMS NOT ALLOWED IN THE CLUB!!!


3. Particles and other heavily-scripted, lag-inducing devices are strictly forbidden and will be asked to be removed or you will be ejected.

4. NO CHILD AVATARS!!! NO babies, todlers, chibis, Lolis Or RPING OF CHILDREN, As Starfleet Staff we have a right to question you on this matter including overly small avis. A Member of Staff must contact the Child Avatar via *IM* and request they change their avatar into an Adult avatar to avoid anyone reporting them or DarkStarFire for ToS violations, If you do not change after our warning and remain on the SIM as a child you will be ejected


5. No massive avatars allowed.

6.NUDITY IS ALLOWED! we are a MATURE sim, but the club is for ADULTS ONLY. If you have an issue with it leave.


7.Please refrain from Sex on the dance-floor keep that action in IMs. However, you are allowed to flirt and emote.

8. Voice is allowed unless the DJ/Host Team determines they do not want voice during their set.

DarkStarFire Movie Theatre

1.  Be Respectful towards other Movie Watchers. If someone is in the movie theatre ASK them about changing the movie first!!! 

***Breachers of this first Rule Will be subject to Bann from Theatre Parcel***

3.  You May Use Voice. However if others find it disruptive to their viewing pleasure please move it to private conference.

4.  Sit down in one of the chairs provided or the floor.

5. No Massive Avatars in the Movie theatre. It May be disruptive to other movie viewers!!!

Talaghan Seuta

1. Child Avatars are allowed. (We will be selling Cloths for Toodledoos).

2. No spamming or unsolicited IMs begging for anything.

3. No harassing other people on the sim. If you have a problem with somone MUTE them. Do Not Encourage Drama.

3. No nudity Allowed in the store area.

***Basically common sense rules. You act stupid you get booted. You come back and act stupid again you get banned and reported to LL.***


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